Dwire operates one of the latest model fleets of earthmoving equipment in the state of Colorado.
In the 80s Dwire began investing in laser and sonar technology. Committed to GPS, Dwire became a beta tester for Trimble GPS starting in 1997. From 2001 to today, Dwire owns and operates more GPS earthmoving equipment than anyone in the Rocky Mountain Region. The use of this electronic technology drastically reduces the use of paper for plans which also means Dwire uses very few wood stakes for layout in the field and no retaking is needed.
The 2000s
We saw the amount of pollution coming from large equipment, and in 1999, decided to become proactive to protect our planet. We have been rebuilding scrapers as well as building our own scrapers, retro fitting, and installing low exhaust emission engines that reduce pollution up to 80%. There is no law that says we have to do this, and in fact, our competition still runs scrapers that pollute the atmosphere with 30-year-old engine technology.
In 2002 Dwire built its first bio-diesel plant. In 2006 Dwire founded and built American Agri-Diesel. This company produces a premium bio-diesel made in Colorado. Since 2006 Dwire has used AAD in all of our equipment.
Today most diesel engines are low exhaust emissions.